The team

Eighteen enthusiasts, all different and all very much alive!
«I'm not bald, I've just cut my hair very short, OK!»
API Mastermind since 1993, Alex is also Petit BamBou's mechanic. The green wire on the green button and the red wire on the red button — that's him! He works behind the scenes so that our users can meditate without problems arising on the site or the apps. He also changes the office's oil and replaces its air filters to the sound of Celtic music when the atmosphere's overloaded with heavy metal.
«Everyone's taller on tiptoe»
Petite and Kawaï, Anaïs wakes up the office with her intense energy! She keeps the office awake with her concentrated energy! As captain of the "Customer Service" vessel, she sets sail to tackle our users' problems and brings them to safe harbour with her infallible compass and sound advice . She's the undisputed Mario Kart champion and the hunger wake-up call for the whole crew.
«Respira, va bene così»
A born fashionista and highly conscientious, Anna joined the team in order to assist with Petit BamBou's development among our Italian friends. Sparkling as a glass of Prosecco, she energizes the office like a good cup of espresso. OK, it's a bit of a cliché, but it's true. If you don't find her at her computer, she might well be out in the field in Italy or at the yoga studio with Sara... it seems the teacher's really nice!
«Barbecues make life worth living!»
Hardworking and (almost) always in a good mood, Antonin spends his time zealously developing Petit BamBou. King of aperitifs and lord of the sound system, he reigns over the office with a masterful sense of humor. He's also the organiser-in-chief of logistics at the office — Hail to the king!
«Flower power»
Veggie and lively, Camille is our creative magician! Her ideas bring Petit BamBou's graphic identity to life and ensures the overall consistency of our little world. Thanks to her, there is no stress! She coordinates the creative team's every mission with boundless good humour, so that everything moves forward serenely.
«What would Beyonce do?»
Professional and trendy, Clara is the one who spreads the word about Petit BamBou on the English market. She's also the third musketeer on the customer service team. Armed with her most elegant pen and her dancing skills, she answers fearlessly all the users' requests with grace and flexibility.
«Make things happen»
Bright-eyed Élodie joined the team to bring some order to our happy mess, and it feels great! She is candid and big-hearted in her approach to managing the administrative and financial side of things at Petit BamBou (you could say she has an iron fist in a velvet glove). Accountant, treasurer and HR manager, her activities and talents are many and varied. Zen and dedicated, Élodie is a yogi mum full of energy. But still be careful because, in addition to being a yoga teacher, Élodie is also a fan of combat sports.
«Taller than Antonin... that's a start»
Wise and calm, Flo develops Petit BamBou for Android, so that the app operates on all the phone models concerned. And the most amazing thing is, it works! He is a big fan of movies, manga, board games and video games. Nerd you say? Perhaps, but not only! He is also a big music and concert enthusiast and largely contributes to the Rock / Metal playlist that brings life to the office.
«If you turn the map upside-down, north is to the south, right!»
Geek and gentleman, Gaetan adds color to Petit BamBou's website! He keeps an eye on things to make sure that our dear users can surf our website smoothly. But be careful, don't trust the quiet ones (or the napping developer), he can also break bricks with his karate kicks.
«Yeah !»
Free-thinker and full-time freedom lover, Ludo is the perfect blend of a recidivist entrepreneur and a philosopher at his hours eager to "do his part" in our society. He sometimes meditates with his heavy metal t-shirts, symbols of his other passion alongside rugby, playing the guitar and...permaculture! Meditating gives him greater lucidity, calm and concentration before work and helps him manage his energy when he speaks in public...
«Focused like a ficus»
Methodic and pacific, Léa watches over the web part of Petit BamBou. As a developer, she made the website grow and now makes sure it blooms properly. She handles a spade like no-one else when it comes to clearing the lines of code and making sure that no weeds creep into the back office, the API or the website. She's also the actual gardener who takes care of the baby plants in the office.
«À l'aise fraise !»
Cyclist, optimist and committed environmentalist, Marie likes bikes, concerts and aperitifs. At the office, she always makes sure the team doesn't take itself too seriously. With the app's many contributors, she brings content to life and plays the keyboard regularly to provide you with the latest news.
«Hitting the sheets early and loving her job!»
Multilingual and jovial, Marion makes sure that Petit BamBou progresses in all languages and offers you top quality content. On the net or on paper, her pen adapts to everything, especially to you. And if she doesn't answer you right away on the gram, it's because she's listening to Matt Pokora's latest album! Yes, we still allow her in the team...
«Strength and honour»
Enthusiastic and caring, Mathilde has joined the B2B team. Don't be fooled by her gentle nature and zest for life; have you ever met a girl from the north of France who doesn't drink beer? ;) A reflexologist and a marketer? A naturopathic epicurean? Well, Mathilde is all of these and more. On the one hand, she assists companies with cheerfulness and vitality by offering them content to practise meditation. On the other hand, she is a registered naturopath and guides her patients towards better well-being. In short, she is two sides of the same coin, a coin that makes our beautiful group of people shine a little more.
«Without the sun, it's just not the same»
Ever cheerful and always ready for anything, Myriam joined the team in order to bring Petit BamBou to life in Spanish-speaking countries. A real virtuoso conductor, she makes Petit BamBou sing in Spanish with the wave of her baton: from communication, through the production of new programs, the management of social networks and many more... Bravo maestro!
«I'm the future me»
Resourceful and a bit (hum, a lot) chatty, Roger is the first to have embarked on the Petit BamBou adventure (and the last to arrive every morning). He is an all-rounder and also something of a thinker, these days he's our UX Designer & Product Owner. What's that, you might ask? Well, let's just say that he tries to anticipate our users' needs in order to constantly develop an app that is easier to use.
«Age only matters if you are cheese or wine»
Dynamic and empathetic, Sophie is dedicated to pamper our users. A difficulty with your history? An interruption of your subscription? No matter the issue, she comes up with a magical little response, in the language of your choice, and you're back on track. Young Padawan writer, she is curiously practicing web editing with Ludo, Marie and Marion, the great Jedis masters.
«On est pas bien là ?»
Tactical and pragmatic, Vincent heads up operational and strategic development at Petit BamBou. Spurred on by his family, he is a gentleman, who appreciates challenges, the unexpected and the simplicity of moments shared in good company. Standing over 6ft tall, he has perspective and vision to guide the team towards successful results.