Joy at work

Joy at work

Joy at work type
Duration15 mnby sessions

Program created with

Anne-Valérie Rocourt
Betsy Parayil-Pezard

While happiness is a concept involving a long process of construction, joy is an emotion. And we are all able to feel emotions. But it’s often hard for joy to find space in a sometimes difficult, uncertain, or stressful everyday life. And yet, by settling ourselves, by placing ourselves here and now, we open a space for joy. Presence – the foundation of meditation – is the first attitude you need to cultivate in order to reconnect with joy. As you go through this program, you’ll cultivate 10 essential internal attitudes. These will help you to explore your life force, of which joy is the purest expression.

Session details

Accessible to subscribers
Presence to the senses
Feeling joy
A joyful intention
My true intention
More space
Consent and contentment
Joy is just here
Confidence and vulnerability
Being agile
Joyful agility
Letting things slide
Yes and...
Cultivating benevolence
Altruistic joy
Light and shadow
That little demon, distraction
Joy at work castegory

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